Understanding top overhangs on our cabinets - The Cabinet Shop

Understanding top overhangs on our cabinets

A lot of our customers ask us about overhangs on the tops of our cabinets and it can be a little confusing to explain without pictures - so we're going to cover that as simply as possible here!

What's an overhang?

An overhang is a little lip on the top of the cabinet that extends past the sides and/or front.


Do I need one?

This is largely up to you and the style you want to achieve. Cabinets that are free-standing often look nice with an overhang, giving it less of a 'box' look to it. If your cabinet is to go in an alcove, or is a tight fit somewhere else (e.g. between two existing cabinets), you might not want an overhang on the sides.


How will it affect the dimensions?

There are two options for this question and it will depend on your space and/or where the cabinet is going.


Method 1: Increase Dimensions

Let's say you order a cabinet that is 1000mm wide and 600mm deep. By choosing this method, we will keep the cabinet at the given dimensions and add the overhang on top. With an overhang of 20mm on the sides and front, this will increase the footprint by 40mm along its width and 20mm along its depth. 

This option is best used when the cabinet is free-standing or it does not need to be confined in a tight space.


Method 2: Respect Dimensions

With this method, the total width and depth will not exceed the given dimensions. The top will be 1000mm wide and 600mm deep, while the cabinet itself will be reduced by 40mm along its width and 20mm along its depth. 

This option is best used when you have an exact space for the cabinet to fit into and don't want to exceed the dimensions given.


How would it look without an overhang?

 Just like this!



Hopefully this alleviates some confusion. If you have any further questions regarding overhangs, feel free to send us a message.

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